Nothing or Anything

by Micah Messer

Remember learning to ride your bike by yourself? You were one proud kid, but you couldn’t have done it without your parents. Remember making your first paycheck? You couldn’t have done it without the boss. Remember earning your degree? You couldn’t have done it without the professors. We like independence. We like doing it ourselves, and we like doing it our way; however, we really can’t do very much on our own, can we?

In John 15:5, Jesus says, Without me you can do nothing! We try anyway. Youth try to meet the right mate without Jesus, and hearts break. Families try to solve problems at home without Jesus, and couples divorce. Schools try to end student violence without Jesus, and kids kill. Politicians try to clean government without Jesus, and money destroys. Executives try to run honest companies without Jesus, and power corrupts. Communities try to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless without Jesus, and poverty remains. Churches try to reach sinners without Jesus, and souls perish.

What are you trying to to without Jesus? Are you trying to finish school or start a career without Him? Are you trying to find a spouse without Him? Are you trying to make your house a home without Him? Are you trying to save money or pay off debt without Him?

Are you trying to have a life without Him? In John 10:10, Jesus said, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. He came full of grace and truth. He came to give salvation in our sins. He came to give purpose to our pain. He came to give us forgiveness and a future. He came to give us healing and hope. He came to give us liberty and life, an abundant life with Him.

Jesus makes life worth living. He makes all things possible. In Luke 18:27, Jesus said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Without Jesus you can do nothing. With Jesus you can do anything. In your relationships, He knows it is not good for you to be alone. He has someone special created just for you (Gen 2:18). In your finances, He gives you the power to make wealth (Deut 8:18). In your career, He knows the plans for your future. He has plans for your hope not your harm (Jer 29:11). In your ministry, He completes who He calls (Phil 1:6). No valley is too deep, no mountain too steep, with God. You can achieve the improbable. You can accomplish the impossible.

Without Jesus you can do nothing. With Jesus you can do anything. Remember that the next time you try doing something on your own.

About Trisha Smith 1194 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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