Book Review: Of Gold and Shadows

Title: Of Gold and Shadows
Series: Time’s Lost Treasures – Book One
Author:  Michelle Griep
Publisher:  Bethany House
Date:  2024
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9780764242564
Category: Historical Romance, Romance, Fiction, Historical FIction
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Review by: Trisha Smith
Interview: Read here


I absolutely LOVED this story. Not only did I find it to be an amazing, well written book, but I also enjoyed seeing the life of a strong, Christian woman fighting to establish herself in a time when women had few rights. It appers the research done for this book was extensive because it seems to be historically accurate (though I have no knowledge of the the times to verify that for certain). It was a story that I found myself lost in quickly and each time I had to put the book down, I was eager to resume reading once more. I love when books do that for me! It speaks volumes about how talented an author Michelle Griep is. I have not had the opportunity to read any historic fiction books that had a plot like this one. It had a little bit of everything in it- romance, history, excitement, suspense… It definitely kept my interest as I read. There was no chance for the distractions of life pulling me away or my mind wandering while reading – I was too involved with the story for that. I loved that the story gave me a better understanding of the 1800s Victorian England, as well as a bit of Egyptian lore and history. It was a fun read, very well done. I look forward to future books in the series, and can’t wait to see if main protagonist Ami is also the subject of future books or if we get new characters. Most definitely a book I recommend.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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