Outreach Ideas


Is your youth group not really doing much in your community in regards to outreach? Do you wish to be a testimony to others but need help to do so? This article is designed to give you some basic ideas for how your youth group can do some outreach to your community or at least become a little more visible.

  • Meet in a Public Place – Get out and about. After Church go out to lunch. Before Youth Group go out to dinner. Meet at a park, at someone’s house or in their front yard, on a school campus, etc. Invite others to join you. Make sure you have fun and welcome people to join you who are passing by.
  • Prayer – Pray for your community. Hold a prayer fair somewhere. Invite the community to come to an all day event (or half a day) where they can find people who are willing to pray with them. Or set up a prayer session with other ministries, youth groups, campus clubs, etc.
  • Tracts – Talk with your youth pastors/leader about purchasing tracts for your group to pass out. Or let members of your group purchase a package on their own. They only cost a few dollars. Then spend some time passing them out to people. Make sure to put your group’s meeting time and place on the back so if people have questions they can come and ask. Let people know you are willing to share right then if they want.
  • Fliers – Draw up a flier to pass out. Make sure you have enough to give out. Then the group members can go out and pass them out. They can take them to their schools, to their friends, etc. It is an open invitation for anyone to ask questions and the group is out and active, visible. Fliers can have anything on them, from time meeting and place to sharing personal testimonies, scriptures, or inspirational stories.
  • Community Service Projects – Meet as a group for various service projects. Find out from your church what you may be able to do. You can do on site service (weeding, picking up trash, painting, etc.). Consider going into a nursing home or visit a retirement community. Maybe visit a children’s shelter/orphanage or a homeless shelter.
  • Holiday Events – Plan early for various holidays. For example: Halloween – set up a fright house (you can have scary characters without the blood, guts, and demons) and charge admission. Thanksgiving – sponsor a Giving Thanks Carnival with booths and activities. Christmas – carol with your group around town. Etc. Be creative. Invite the community to join. The important thing is to have fun. Show people that Christians have fun, too.
About Trisha Smith 1127 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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