
By: Jacob Scweda

Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Colossians 3:20  Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

Parents are scary. I mean, think about it. Even once you’ve reached teenage hood and are able to stand up for yourself and present your position, they can be terrifying. These two (or one) people/person who have had years more experience then you, have raised you into the person you are today and seem to be out to get you at times are your legal guardians! What they say goes. Their home is their world and you are nothing but a tiny peasant, attempting to appease the local Lord or Lady.

Then, if you look to your Bible for advice, you’re told to obey your parents! That’s right, as much as some youth today would like to deny it, we are told, from the Word of God, to obey and love our parents. At times this can seem a hassle. Obey these people who are setting a curfew on me? Listen to this person who never takes my side and wants only to curb my dun and enjoyment of life? It can get on our nerves when they say things like: “When you’re a parent you’ll understand” but the fact is, they’re right. Most teens haven’t had the experience of having an entire human life under their care. Not many young adults know how to raise a tiny baby into a socially responsible and loving creature.

Now don’t get me wrong, parents aren’t perfect, but who is? Chances are, 90% of the time your mom, dad or stepparents know what’s best for you, and although it can be tough, we need to accept that. It’s good to ask questions if you think something’s up, as communication is one of the main pillars of a happy relationship with our parents, but it’s vital to make sure they’re posed in a respectful way.

Even more important than communication in a relationship is God. It’s God who told us to obey our parents, so God knows how we should relate to and treat them. A connection with God can provide a strong connection with your parents, if you share the same love of the Lord. If your parents are Christian, it’s good to (in a respectful way, of course) show them scriptural support in a situation that you feel they are in the wrong. God and His word always supersede parent’s authority and Christian parents know that. Sometimes they may forget or overlook the fact that they are out of line with the position God has put them in, but it’s not our job, as sons and daughters, to correct them. We can be there for them to show them what our side of the situation is and allow them to consult God in their own way to double-check what they’re doing.

Now, the relationship between parents and their children is a lot different from that between say an employer and an employee because you can be totally open with these people. Many parents (although not all) are actually responsible (with God’s help) for your creation and that is a bond that takes time to even come close to creating. So, keep in mind that even if you’re respecting and obeying your parents it doesn’t mean you have to stay emotionally far from them. You can be your own vulnerable self around them and trust that in almost all situations they will do everything they can to love and cherish you and fulfill your needs.

Many Christian youth (such as myself) live with parents who are unsaved. Trust me, it’s not easy but the key part of this situation is still a connection with God and respect. It’s harder to explain yourself and your reasoning to unbelieving parents as the Word of God provides little or no sway towards their decisions but you can still consult your Bible on the situation. Standing up for your beliefs is of course important. Let your parents know your beliefs and explain to them why and how much you love God. Who knows, it may set something in motion in their minds and hearts. Spreading the Gospel to parents requires subtlety. The most effective strategy is to lead by example. Show your mother and father how much you desire to please God and maybe it’ll show them just how much of an impact Jesus has had in your life. Don’t pressure them, but don’t be apoplectic in a situation that violates your beliefs and trust in Christ.

Love the Lord, and He’ll guide you on the path to a meaningful relationship with those people who love you more then anything (but God of course), even if at times you doubt their intentions. Jesus answers prayers, and cares

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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