Purity Pledge

Make the pledge yourself. Abstain, remain pure, and devote your body and mind to God. Join countless other teens who have made this pledge themselves.

My body is a precious gift. God gave me my body pure and untouched. I will strive to maintain this purity by keeping myself safe from harm. I will not give away the gift of my body until I have pledged my loved before God and witnesses in marriage. If I have given away my gift already I know that God forgives and I pledge to return to the ways of purity I had before I gave myself. I will take impure thoughts captive immediately and give them to Christ instead of indulging in them. I will live for Christ, loving Him first and foremost. I will keep my body, my thoughts, and my actions safe and focused on Jesus. I will not lust after others, fantasize about them, nor allow myself to be intimate with others. I pledge my heart and body to Christ to watch over until I am married.

About Trisha Smith 1132 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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