The Power of Prayer

By Cynthia J Ray

Many may think this a boring subject, but if you read this entire article, you’ll think otherwise!

The power of prayer is one of the most popular subjects among pastors. Probably everyone has heard about it and tried it, or ignored it. But I want to tell you that prayer is not a joke. It has nothing to do with chants or incantations, or how many times a day you pray. God hears prayers that come from within. I used to know someone who thought prayers were only heard if they came from God’s word. While that’s all good, God wants to hear what you have to say, not what he said. It’s okay to pray from your Bible once in a while, because God said his word is sharper than a two-edged sword. It’s a very powerful weapon against the enemy. It’s also great for when you can’t find words to express your love for him, and you read from Psamls. But if God wanted you to recite things to him all day that he wrote himself! , why didn’t he skip you and me and let his angels sit and read to him? When He gave us the “Lord’s Prayer”, he meant to pray along those subject lines, not to copy it word for word. He wants you to tell him what’s going on in your life, even though he already knows. He wants to see you breaking down before him and asking him for help. God wants to hear what comes from our hearts.

Now that we’ve uncovered how to pray, let’s talk about the actual meaning of prayer. In the following selections, note the underlined words.

Webster’s dictionary says:

1 a: (1): an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought (2): a set order of words used in praying b: an earnest request or wish
2: the act or practice of praying to God or a god
3: a religious service consisting chiefly of prayers — often used in plural
4 : something prayed for
5 : a slight chance <haven’t got a prayer>

Britannica Encyclopedia says:

“An act of communication by humans with the sacred or holy—God, the gods, the transcendent realm, or supernatural powers. Found in all religions in all times, prayer may be a corporate or personal act utilizing various forms and techniques. Prayer has been described in its sublimity as “an intimate friendship, a frequent conversation held alone with the Beloved”

So what is prayer, really? It is four things.

  1. Praise: giving thanks for who God is
  2. Repent: confessing your sins and asking forgiveness
  3. Ask: requesting something specific
  4. Yield: waiting on God for direction and giving Him some time to talk to you!

Prayer is not just your time to vent and get things off your chest, which is often what prayer is mistaken for. But it is indeed an “intimate friendship, a frequent conversation held alone with the Beloved.” That is an interesting statement because it pinpoints the most important parts of prayer: “friendship” and “conversation”, the elements that make up prayer.

Now, let’s look at the power of prayer, the bottom line, the true subject of this topic. So many people do not understand prayer, and this is why they complain and say that it doesn’t work. Prayer is pursuing the goal. You can’t just pray for something once and give up, because that would mean what you are asking for isn’t of enough importance that you keep trying. My friend, if you understand the meaning of prayer, and where to start, walls will crumble every time you get on your knees! I have a friend whose dad decided that he couldn’t take any more fighting and left home. She called me and wanted to know if she could come to church with me that night and told me what had happened. I prayed for her the rest of the day, and she prayed too. Then we got to church early and prayed together. When she got home that night, her dad was sitting on the couch. Her parents were still ignoring each other for a couple more days! , but they soon made up and are happy again. If that’s not enough, then keep reading. An aunt of mine recently was diagnosed with cancer and taken to the hospital. She was very near death, and most of the family gathered from all over the state to support her in any way possible. A few of us got together and started praying. We prayed during most of her surgery and read the Bible. When the operation was over, the doctor came out and said that they were able to remove 89% of the cancer, and the rest of it was shrinking. My aunt is now home and cancer free! Now, if you still don’t believe prayer is powerful, try it yourself. Everyone has troubles in life, don’t try to deny it. There is something in your life that you need God to help you with. And if there isn’t, you can still pray. Pray for other people you know need help. Let them know your praying and encourage them to do the same. It never should matter whether you need prayer or not. Prayer should never be used as simply a shopping list for God; it is more like a telephone call to your best friend.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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