
By: Jennifer Jenkins

Praise- An expression of warm approval or admiration.

There are about 50 scriptures talking about praising God. So if there’s that many references talking about praising God shouldn’t we get the clue and start praising him. We are so used to complaining about everything. Something goes wrong or doesn’t go our way and we start complaining or getting angry with others. When we should be praising God in everything we do and say.

Why do we tend to complain? Well a lot of people say it’s because it’s Human nature to complain and it is. And well we are just so unthankful for things around us and just being alive.

I was challenged to praise God for an entire week. I wasn’t allowed to complain about anything or allow myself to start thinking negative thoughts. I had to praise God in everything. Do you realize how difficult it is to change from complaining all the time to praising God all the time? It wasn’t very easy. But I made it through an entire week praising God.

My challenge to you is this for an entire week instead of complaining praise God. Start memorizing Psalms and just allow them to flow through your mouth. Then let me know how it went. It really gives you a change of attitude or a different way of seeing things.

Scripture to look up about praising God: Psalm 139:14

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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