Prayer Lesson 1- Introduction

Suggestion: Before you begin go and buy a notebook to use as a journal. Write down thoughts that come to mind, questions, and of course prayers.


Most of us pray. It has become almost second nature to us. But how do you explain what prayer IS when someone asks you?

We are going to examine prayer. We will define it so that each of us has no doubts about what prayer is. Please feel free to pass on any questions.

What IS prayer?

Prayer is simply communication with God. It is talking with Him at anytime, anywhere, in any way. Because God is personal, ALL people can pray. All you have to do is talk. He is listening.

We pray instinctively. We thank the Lord for the good things in our lives. We turn to Him in times of need. We KNOW prayer is something we should do, so why dont’ we pray more?

There are many reasons people don’t pray. “I am not good enough.” “why would God listen to me?” “My request isn’t worth His time and effort” “I don’t know HOW to pray”

Whatever the reason, know that it is a lie from satan. Prayer is a powerful thing. Everything we do begins and ends with God, so why not talk to Him about it? Trust Him. His plan is better than any we could ever come up with, so ask Him. Talk to Him.

Is prayer REALLY that important? You make the call. Spend a few minutes reading through Matthew. Look at the amount of times Jesus went and prayed. Look at the things He prayed for and about. He even modeled HOW to pray in Matthew (we’lll talk about that in a later chapter).

Look at the Old Testament now. The Psalms alone are an amazing collection of prayers you can pray…..

There are 667 different verses in the Bible that refer to prayer. Is prayer important? You bet it is!

There are many different ways to pray and different prayers you can offer. You can spend minutes praying or hours. You can pray silently or out loud. You can pray alone or in a group. You can write your prayers out or sing them or sign them or think them.

But regarldesss of HOW you choose to pray the most important thing to remember is TO pray. Turn to God. He is there and waiting for us. Just talk to Him. Open your heart and share with Him. He already knows. Nothing is new to Him. So just talk to Him and grow closer.

Study Questions:

  1. What IS prayer?
  2. Does the Bible talk about prayer?
  3. Can I pray anytime I want?
  4. Is there any specific way I have to pray?

Think About It

How do you pray now? Examine your prayer life. Make note of what you are doing. Think about how you would like it to grow. What do you want to change? What do you hope to learn through this study?

Please feel free to share. Comment on things. Offer up your questions and suggestions. The more we interact, the more we will learn.

Prayer Series Index | Prayer Lesson 2

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