Prayer Lesson 15: Praying Through the Week

This format is a suggestion for focusing your prayers on the world around you. It can be done in small groups or individually.

Sunday – Focus on Your Church
Pray for the leadders, the outreach, the spiritual growth, growth in numbers, etc.

Monday – Focus on Evangelism in Your Community
Pray for coworkers, neighbors, city officials, etc. and for opportunities to share.

Tuesday – Focus on Familes and Individuals
Pray for your families and relationships.

Wednesday – Focus on Material Needs
Pray for your “stuff” Thank God for providing and ask Him to continue blessing you.

Thursday – Focus on Unity
Pray for the different denominations to set aside differences for the sake of Unity and the Gospel, to further the kingdom of God.

Friday – Focus on the World
Pray for the world leaders, for peace, etc.

Saturday – Focus on Release from Addictions and Strongholds
Pray against abuse of drugs and alcohol, addictions such as materialism, greed, prejudice, etc.

Study Guide:

  1. What is the focus of these prayers? Self or others? What is the focus of each day specifically? Can they be switched around or must they be prayed ONLY on the day it is assigned?
  2. Can this prayer be prayed alone by an individual or is it a group prayer?

Think About It

Is your church, business, or home a house of prayer, a lighthouse shining in the darkness of the world around us? Pray about how you can affect your community through prayer.

Prayer Series Index | Prayer Lesson 16

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