Prayer Lesson 7: The Jesus Prayer

This is simply a prayer focusing in on Jesus and salvation. You can take this concept and apply it to any scripture, any prayer, anything…. and find your perspective changed.

In its simplest form the prayer is “Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

The process? Pray the prayer slowly and think about the words. Reflect on what you read.

Pray again now. Emphasize each word each time you pray it, a different word each time.

For example, “LORD, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Then pray, “Lord, JESUS CHRIST, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Then, “Lord, Jesus Christ, SON of God, ….. “ and so on and so forth.

The focus of the prayer is not repetition or reciting. The focus is God. Don’t just say empty words. Pray from the heart. Ask God to have mercy on you….. Identify who He is… Think of EACH word…..

This was another short lesson. The next few lessons will be quite lengthy and will take a lot more thought.

Study Questions:

  1. What is the focus of the prayer?
  2. Can you add more words to the prayer or must it stay in this simplified form?
  3. Can you pray this prayer only once and get the full meaning of it?

Think About It

Reflect on the experience you have had in praying. Pray this prayer. Then reflect some more. Ask God to help you to focus in on Him only.

Prayer Series Index | Prayer Lesson 8

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