Book Review: Presumed Guilty

Title: Presumed Guilty
Subtitle: How the Jews Were Blamed for the Death of Jesus
Author: Peter J. Thomson
Date:  Feb 1, 2005
Publisher: Fortress Press
Pages: 160
ISBN: 0800637070
Category: New Testament Bible Study, History of Christianity, Sociology & Religion
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Review by: Trisha Smith




When the Passion came out not too long ago there was an uproar about anti-Semetism once again. Blame for Jesus’ death was once again wrongly shifted to the Jewish people, causing a huge fuss. This book would have made an excellent, albeit academic, response to that fuss. Author Peter Thomson has provided a well written look at the blame placed on the Jews for the death of Jesus. It is not too difficult to read through, it is not your light Sunday afternoon way to pass the time. It does take a more in-depth analytical look at His death and those involved, history, and current thoughts and views. I found his insight to be interesting and thought provoking. It did take me a bit longer to read through this short book due to the thoughts I kept having as I pondered the subject more.  But it was well worth the time and effort spent. I now feel more educated on the subject and more understanding of the thought process as well as more equipped to respond.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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