
by Mandy Hughett

Everyday racism seems to be growing. I have heard many people say the Bible supports racism. This is in fact, incorrect. The Bible does NOT support racism. Racism is sinful, even if you are not a Christian, racism is still wrong. Want to know why? There are many different races in the world, and you may think there are major differences between them. Did you know you have 99.99 percent of the SAME genetic material with someone from another race as you do with someone of the same race? THAT’S A LOT!

God created all races, and each one is just a good as the next. In the Bible, Simeon was African American. (Acts 13:1) All people were created in Gods Image!! (Genesis 1:27; 5:1,2) That doesn’t mean God only created Asians and no one else… it means He created everyone, ALL PEOPLE! Back to having very CLOSE genetics… I know races are determined by skin color, eye color, and hair texture, Etc.

So let’s not talk about the term “race” anymore. By calling names to someone that looks different than you is immoral, not to mention, you are lying to yourself because they are only .1 percent different then you! Just as you are .1 percent different to everyone else! Why would you let .1 percent rule over 99.99 percent? 99.99% is a much higher percentage number then .1%.

Everyone is the same.

God created all people.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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