Steps to Receiving the Holy Spirit

By:Jennifer Jenkins

God gave the gift of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. This gift has been available ever since. It is up to you to receive the gift. He is not to beg God to fill him with the Holy Spirit. Unbelief begs. Faith shouts the victory.

Anyone who is saved can receive the H.S. Some people believe that you have to DO something to receive the gift. You can’t do anything for a gift. It cease to be a gift if you have to work for it.

It is Scriptural to to expect to receive the H.S. when hands are laid on them. (Acts 8:18-20).

SPEAK. The H.S. will act on your vocal cords, lips, and tongue, and will put supernatural words on your lips, BUT YOU MUST PUT THE SOUND INTO ACTION AND SPEAK OUT.

Disregard all fears you got from foolish teachers who said that you might receive something counterfeit. Luke 11:11-13. God will never make a false promise to you or give you something counterfeit.

Open your mouth wide—this can be an act of faith—breathe in and tell God, “I am receiving the Holy Spirit right now by faith.” When Jesus said, “Come and drink”, He was speaking of the Holy Spirit. When a person takes a drink of water he opens his mouth and takes a breath. You can’t take a drink of water with your mouth closed. You can’t receive the Holy Spirit with your mouth closed.

REMEMBER: Faith is involved in every aspect of our Christian life: We are SAVED by faith; HEALED by faith; WALK by faith; LIVE by faith; RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM by faith; PRAY IN TONGUES by faith.

About Trisha Smith 1191 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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