Redemption in Christ

Ephesians 1:1-14
By: Alexander Rico

We read here in the first opening chapter of the book of Ephesians, a reminder from the author Paul, a reminder of our redemption. The Berlitz Dictionary of American English states that, redemption is, “an act of redeeming; (religion) the act of being saved from sin.” However, how is it that we are redeemed? Is it by our great works of faith? Is it by our great looks? Is it by our money? Position in power? Great or mighty political companies and products? Or is it through Christ our Lord? I have heard many say that they go to church, they help in the ministries; yet, they lack the personal relationship, they lack redemption through Christ. Sure, working in ministries is great; but, at the same time, you need to know that, that work will not save you. It will not redeem you from your past sins. We see this stated very clearly here in the book of Ephesians. “In Him (Jesus) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” (Ephesians 1:7, NKJV) The forms of the singular words representing Christ, His, Himself, Him, and He; are noted as being used twenty-three times throughout these first fourteen verses of this first chapter in the New King James Version. What does this show you? Does it not show that Paul wanted to make it clear that our redemption could be obtained through no other method? I greatly think so. I think Paul wanted to stress this point because of the main fact that we can become so wound up into thinking that by simply praying a prayer, or following a specific routine, we are redeemed.

Whenever we feel that this is the truth, we need to recall that our redemption is by the blood of Jesus alone. No one other alternative exists. How many of you have ever been driving somewhere before? Whenever you drive somewhere, what is the first thing you try to do to shorten your trip? For me, though I do not drive, but I have always wanted my parents to find some other alternative way to get to our location, faster. Therefore, we try all these shortcuts, and side roads. But in all truthfulness, these things just seem to drag us further and further away from our original goal. We need to make sure that we do not try to take the easy, less traveled road when it comes to our redemption. I know it’s difficult. I mean, we come from a fast-food society. We like everything to be effortless and immediate. We never want to do something that takes full devotion. I remember when I was helping to establish the Cornerstone Christian Club, at Victor Valley Community College, in Victorville, California; the entire undersized initial group of the Christian club sat down at our very first meeting and began to assemble a leadership team. However, no one person thought it through completely, and just began to appoint people to the leadership team. Why? Well, we had to get chartered, and discussing these positions and people would take longer; thus, we had a group of unknown and unqualified leaders. Later on, that cost the group a lot.

Shortcuts and fast paced options are never the best way, especially in the case of our eternal destiny. We need to come back to the realization that our destiny was not secured by our own hands, or by our own doing; but through the cross of Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Many of us have come to know of this fact through our pastors, and through our own reading of God’s word. I remember when I was roughly about sixteen years old. I remember sitting in one of my churches pews and hearing the word being preached; however, something this day clicked and I automatically jumped up out of the sit upon given the invitation and accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. What was it that made me so anxious to accept Christ? The gospel message. The fact that Christ had died for me, shed his blood, so that I could live a sinless and meaningful life here and now. Something that I had always desired, but could never find a way to fulfill my urge. Sure, I’d try every single shortcut and side roads possible. I’d hang out with friends, go do things that I knew to be wrong, and buy things that would bring me momentary happiness. Yet, all that did not satisfy me. I longed for true happiness, and a greater pleasure than any of those things could ever have given to me. These I found in the Lord, and if I may, my life currently, has never been quite the same since.

In one of my prayer journal entries from October twenty-second, two-thousand and two I wrote, “Lord, in your presence I rejoice for Lord I know that you are my only answer to salvation.”

Do you today know that the Lord is your only answer to salvation? Are you like me, who was trying to place other things into that “God shaped hole;” however, they were not fitting? Stop shoving, and start trusting in the one who gave his life for you. If you know this is you; then, please allow me to give to you some help to point you in that direction.

First, you must confess your sins. Not to me, Lord NO! I have my own human nature to deal with. However, to the father in heaven who loves you, and cares for you. You do not need to go to any other person to have your sins forgiven. Secondly, you must be willing to make a 360 degree turn around from the way that you are currently headed down, and place your focus onto Christ; then, finally, ask Christ to come into your life and reign over it as your personal Lord and savior. It’s that simple. Now, isn’t this easier than trying those shortcuts and fast available options? I’m going to give to you an opportunity in a few moments to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior; however, I will first close with this statement, as so that, you can have time to think this through. Although, you must know that I am praying that you take the road less traveled by, the road of our redemption through Jesus Christ. His actions of redemption on that cross, this are what Paul has been quoted as referring to as the “Core of the Gospel.” For believers reading this today, allow me to ask you a question. Throughout the entire Bible, think to what really matters. Is it the story of Jonah? Of David? Or is it the death of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins? At church, what really matters? Max Lucado in his book, No Wonder They Call Him the Savior states, “Sunday attendance. Pretty songs. Faithful tithings. Golden crosses. Three-piece suits. Big choirs. Leather Bibles. It is nice and all, but … where is the heart of it?” Where is the heart? Why do we all gather together on Sundays? Please understand, what really matters in our lives today as Christians is understanding the importance and significance of Jesus’ death upon that cross. This is what REALLY matters! Max goes on to state in the same book, “To accept or reject Christ without careful examination of Calvary is like deciding on a new car without looking at the engine. Being religious without knowing the cross is like owning a Mercedes with no motor. Pretty package, but where is your power?” Is it in the cross of Christ or somewhere else?

Today, believe in the redemption that God has given to us through His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13, NKJV) When you accept the sacrifice that Jesus made for you and me, you become an adopted child of the living God. Sure, I am not going to lie, the road ahead will be bumpy; however, it will be a great blessing that you nor anyone else could ever experience on this world. If you’d like to accept Christ today; then, by all means please join me in this simple prayer asking Jesus into your heart, mind, and soul.

“Lord Jesus, I ask you to forgive me of all my sins. Come into my heart and cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Lord, I ask that you help me to be that witness, that light in my community for you from now on. Help me to turn away from the ways of the world, and get my focus directly on you. In your precious name I pray, Amen.”

If you prayed that prayer along with me, I’d like to announce that today, the moment you accepted Christ into your life the Bible says, “[…] there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner represents.” (Luke 15:10) Just like that, you are forgiven and are adopted into God’s family. Though, there are steps to continue in maintaining your relationship with the Lord. These being:

  • Read the Bible- This is God’s love letter to you. It also provides us with a foundation for relationships with others, and tells us about attitudes, motivation and truth. It is important to know, and enlist the principles in the Bible into your life, they keep you on the right way and allow us to make sound judgments concerning people and doctrine.
  • Pray- In any relationship communication is important, priority factor. God desires to communicate with each of us. Prayer is not just a forum for requests. God wants to hear our feelings, hurts, ambitions and joys. Through this he is able to change and refine those parts of us that need it.
  • Fellowship- Get plugged into a church or local group that studies the bible. As we begin to share with others what we have learned from the Bible and prayer, we encourage others to grow and ourselves. Fellowship as God planned it is not a clique or special club designed for gossip. We must be careful to keep our conversations with others honest. It’s best described as a fire. One coal alone dies down quickly, but a mound of coals burn white hot, just as one Christian alone will struggle to stay ‘on fire’, while a group together keeps each other hot.
  • Witness- “Go into the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Mark 16:15). Jesus gave this as a command, not an option. God has chosen all Christians to be agents of His gospel. We are either missionaries or mission fields. That does not mean that everyone should travel to different countries, but it does mean that no matter where go we should be prepared in life and in word to be ambassadors for Christ. “Pray for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given to me so I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.” (Ephesians 6:19)
About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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