Book Review: Revealing Revelation

Title:  Revealing Revelation
Subtitle: How God’s Plan for the Future can Change Your Life Now
Authors:  Amir Tsarfati, Dr. Rick Yohn
Publisher:  Harvest House
Date:  May 2002
Pages: 272
ISBN: 0736985246
Category: End Times, Bible Study, Prophesy, Eschatology
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Review by: Trisha Smith



The last book of the Bible is hard to understand for most people. It is full of symbolism and imagery that the believer does not relate to for the most part. But through books like this the believer can better understand the challenging letter written by John. Here is a quote from the book that explains the importance of studying the book of Revelation: “Without reading this letter, you cannot know the Lord as He is today and has always been. There will be a gaping hole in your knowledge of His character. You cannot know the future He has prepared for you. You will be ignorant of His plans for the rest of the world. The Lord is the Great Communicator, and He has made Himself known through the ages in dreams, visions, signs, wonders, and His Word. How can we demote any part of His Word to the level of null and void?” Tsarfati tells us that God doesn’t want us to live in ignorance. We have the book of Revelation that gives us hope for the future. He guides readers through the final book of the Bible, posing questions and providing answers to help us easily tackle what we consider to be a “hard” book to understand. It is a well written, heavily supported, easy to understand guide to digging deep into the book of Revelation.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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