Rick Heil

Lead Singer of Sonicflood

T4JYM: What kinds of relationship do you all have with one another? Are you one big happy family? 🙂

Rick: We really like each other a ton and we love to hang out together. The last tour we did was the Sonicpraise tour and we along with 9 other people lived on a bus built for 15. It was fantastic and we all got along great.

T4JYM: What is the main focus in your ministry? Teens? The lost? The hurting? Why did you decide up on this as a focus?

Rick: Our main focuses are those who are already going to church. But the problem I see in most churches is that the hottest place on a “church-goers” body is their rear and not their heart. We as God’s children must be ON FIRE!!! In our hearts with a passionate love for our Lord, Jesus so that we really are a city set on a hill.

T4JYM: What kind of relationship do you maintain with your audiences? Do you fellowship with them? Or do you remain distant as the performer?

Rick: During our concerts we always have a time to allow the Lord to work on us (the band and the audience) and its at that time that we get of the stage and agree with each other in prayer for healing; heart, body and soul.

T4JYM: If you could meet any one person, past, present or future, who would you meet? Why would you choose that person? What would you ask them?

Rick: I would love to meet Moses. The Word says that he was the most humble man on the earth and that is awesome to me. Also he got to see and talk to God…wow, what was that like!?!

T4JYM: Could you please share a short testimony?

Rick: I’m here to say that Christ is the Healer. He heals our hearts; our bodies but most importantly our souls! I know His ability to heal in many ways personally because I had an incurable disease for 22 years. But God in His mercy healed me about 3 years ago! God is more awesome than we could ever imagine!

T4JYM: What is the most inspirational piece of scripture that you have found that applies to your life?

Rick: Psalms 103. It says that God heals all my diseases and forgives all my sins!!!… Praise the Lord!

T4JYM: When did you feel called to perform in a group like this? Have you felt God’s hand guiding you towards this all along?

Rick: I was called to do this after I prayed to the Lord to ‘use me up to His glory’, I didn¹t care what He wanted me to do, I just wanted to do more for Jesus. The next day I received a call from a guy that I knew from church to play in big tent Revival. And that¹s how it all started. I guess when you look back you see how God’s Hand has guided you but I had no idea that I would be singing and playing praise music to the Creator of the Universe.

T4JYM: What is the biggest thing God has done during one of your concerts?

Rick: God does so many huge things during the times of worship in song. He keeps us humbled by His sovereignty and power. He receives all Glory and honor for the miracles He allows us to witness. Once an elder needed a kidney and he had to wear a beeper from the hospital. For three years it had kept silent till during a time of worship and ministry his beeper went off. He rushed to the hospital and they got him a new kidney. He was out in two weeks…PRAISE THE LORD!

T4JYM: Who, aside from Jesus, is or has been the biggest influence in your life?

Rick: My wife has been and continues to be an incredible influence on my walk with God. She always reminds me that I am born of the Word and that I am NOT a creature of circumstance.

T4JYM: Do you ever feel fear when you approach someone with the Gospel?

Rick: The Gospel is to be lived as well as spoken of and I dare not fear anyone except the LIVING GOD.

T4JYM: What is the latest news on your group? Any new CD’s to be released soon?

Rick: Yes Lord willing, we will have another worship CD. We are praying that it will be out in the spring.

T4JYM: Out of all of your songs, what is your favorite?

Rick: Open the Eyes of My Heart … It’s a call to real and active faith.

T4JYM: Do you have any advice to give to the youth of our world?


Visit their website for the latest news at http://www.sonicflood.com! 

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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