Scotch Tape

By: Cynthia Ray

One time, I heard someone say that throughout life, everyone carries a piece of scotch tape. Every time you date someone, or make yourself to believe that you’re “in love” for a short time, you put that piece of tape on his/her heart, and they do the same. It’s like a bond, but not a true one. With the next break-up, you take the tape off of them, and put it on your next girlfriend/boyfriend. What happens when you get married? The tape has been used so much it doesn’t stick anymore, and neither does the excitement of marriage. It’s like you give a piece of your heart to each girlfriend/boyfriend. When you get married, how much of your heart will be left for your spouse? I have dated a few times, and each relationship only lasted a little while, then left me longing for another guy to call my own, and spend time thinking about. With each break-up, I felt lonely, very lonely.

But after discussing this topic in youth, I realized that no short-term relationship would ever satisfy me.

I needed to go back and focus on a long-term relationship that I had almost forgotten, my first boyfriend, Jesus. With every relationship, I was focussing on them, and wasting precious time I could have had with the Lord. I was beginning to set up a pattern, an endless one. But after our youth discussions on dating and hearing other people’s stories, I stopped. I didn’t want my scotch tape to be so used that my marriage wouldn’t “stick”. I’m telling you this because I want the same for you and for everyone. If your tape has been used up, listen to me!

God can give you a new piece of tape! All you have to do is tell him that you want to start over and focus on serving him. God has a special guy/girl in store for you. And who knows, maybe that special someone is praying the same thing right now. If you follow God’s path, He “will give you the desires of your heart.”

God is my everything, let him be yours.

About Trisha Smith 1159 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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