Sexual Purity

by Jennifer Jenkins

Now that you you’ve made a pledge to remain sexually pure until marriage, let’s look at how you can maintain that pledge. When you’re with someone you really care about, and the passion is rising between the two of you, you may not feel as strongly about your commitment to purity as you do right now.

You can’t do it on your own, that’s for sure! This is where the power of the Holy Spirit comes into play; as well as good ol’ accountability with Christian Friends, parents, and youth leaders. Before we get into how you can keep the pledge yo’ve made, let’s first take a quick detour.

What if you’ve already gone to far sexually? Right now is the perfect time to seek God’s forgiveness and ask him to grant you “spiritual virginity.” Even though you may no longer be a physical virgin, with God’s forgiveness you can become a “Spritirual Virgin.” He will forgive your sexual sin and look at you as though you were a virgin. In other words, he transforms you into a “spiritual virgin” and you live in sexual purity from now until your married.

But when you seek his forgiveness, make sure you’re doing it with a repentant heart. Not the attitude of: “I’ll ask God to forgive me for having sex with my boyfriend – even though I know I’ll probally have sex with him again next week. He’ll forgive me again for it.”

Guess what? That’s not a repentant heart! In Bible days, when someone saw a friend going in the wrong direction, he would shout, “Repent!” meaning, “you’re going the wrong way, Turn around. Change direction. Alter your course.”

If you come to God with a repentant heart and seek his forgiveness for your sexual sin with the attitude of, “oh , Father, I’m going down the wrong path again – please forgive me.” God will forgive you of your sins.

Now you need God’s help to maintain sexual purity you can’t do it on your own. Come to him with a repentant heart and ask him for help.

Read 1 Corinthians 5:9 and 6:13
About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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