Things You Should do When Sharing the Gospel

  1. Make sure you have your own devotional time with the Lord before you minister.
  2. Have a genuine love.
  3. Listen attentively.
  4. Pray for wisdom and discernment
  5. Believe that God will lead you to the right person.
  6. Have basic scriptures with their references readily available.
  7. Read your Bible.
  8. If you can, get a Bible program that you can cut and paste scriptures at appropriate times.
  9. Know what you believe.
  10. Give your own testimony when you can.
  11. Memorize appropriate Scriptures if possible.
  12. Remember that God’s Word will never return to you void.
  13. Avoid answering the telephone and other similar distractions at this time.
  14. Keep a list of email names with as much information as you have on them so you can remember to follow up with little inspirational notes from time to time.
  15. Speak to please God.
  16. Start with a positive witness for Christ.
  17. Enter a conversation with an open heart, asking God to lead you.
  18. Keep things simple.
  19. Try to understand others beliefs before you begin to try to share your own.
  20. Define your terms.
  21. Be ready to learn from the people you witness to.
  22. Be patient and gentle.
  23. Give them a chance to talk as well and ask questions.
  24. Answer their questions.
  25. Ask questions.
  26. Bring them, if possible, to a decision about Jesus.
  27. Encourage them to study the Bible.
  28. Use Scripture in context.
  29. Remember that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).
  30. Be prepared in advance with resources to point them to if needed.
  31. Take your time
  32. Offer to get back to them if you don’t know an answer
  33. Continue to pray for God to work in them after you share.
  34. Praise God that He used you to plant seeds.
  35. Pray that He would put others in their path to water those seeds.
About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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