Sin & Chocolate

by Amy Clarke

Read: Romans 7:14-20
Key verse: Romans 7:19 “For what I do is not the good I want to do; no the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing.”

If someone set a banana and your favorite chocolate bar in front of you, and you were told that you could only pick one to eat, which one would you choose? Weight the options. Favorite chocolate bar or banana?

I’m pretty certain that most, if not all, would choose the chocolate bar over the banana. Why? Well, all that chocolate and sugar makes it so inviting. Just thinking about our favorite chocolate bar can make our mouths water.

Sin is like chocolate. Say what? Yes, sin is like chocolate. We consume lots of chocolate because it’s one of our favorite things to eat, it’s so good we’d never turn down chocolate. But, eating too much chocolate isn’t good for us, no matter how good we think it is. What does eating chocolate have to do with sin? Well, eating too much chocolate can give us cavities and also make us sick. And living in too much sin can make us sick, spiritually.

Satan chocolate coats many things in our lives. The music we listen to, shows we watch, etc. We know it’s wrong to do certain things, but we do then anyway because we think sin tastes sweet. Because of this, we continue to live in sin rather than try to get out of sin. We continue to do the things that aren’t of God. Satan keeps attracting us to do the things that are evil so he can destroy our relationship with God.

If we continue to give into sin, we are going to make ourselves spiritually sick. It’s time to get out of the sin, time to stop let it weighing us down. No matter how good sin seems, it’s not worth pushing God out of our lives until we realize we have separated ourselves from Him and seek His ways again.

Let’s make sure that we are spiritually fit. Time to stop taking in all the sin. Time to make ourselves well. By getting rid of the sin, the closer we draw to God. Let God heal you spiritually, rather than making yourself worse.

Do the good things rather than have a moment of pleasure of doing the evil things.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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