Book Review: The Spiritual Battlefield

Title: The Spiritual Battlefield
Subtitle: Conquering the Three Key Areas of Spiritual Warfare
Author:  Dr. Jason Hanash
Publisher:  Independently Published
Date:  2024
Pages: 269
ISBN: 979-8-332357-05-3
Category: Christian Living
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Review by: Trisha Smith


Spiritual warfare is a heavy subject and one that many Christians tend to shy away from. But it doesn’t have to be scary. It isn’t a topic that is so heavy that you can’t get through it. You just need the right guide to help you navigate the unknown. This book, the latest release by Pastor Dr. Jason Hanash, is just the tool you need to explore this subject and actually begin to understand it for yourself – and realize it is not as hard to understand as you feared! He writes in more of a conversational style rather than academically, so it makes the reading easier to get through and therefore easier to understand without getting lost in wordy language that goes over your head. Each chapter is accompanied by questions for reflection that walk readers through taking the material and synthesizing it . And more than just synthesizing and understanding the materials, it helps the reader to apply the concepts in their own lives and to be freed from the bonds holding them back. There is no companion study guide for this book – the questions are already contained within each chapter. It can be used individually, read on one’s own, or can be used with a small group where each person reads on their own and then comes together to discuss the questions at the end of each section. I always recommend that books such as this be used within a small group setting rather than simply read alone because you benefit so much more from the insights of others. Readers will walk away after going through this book with a deeper understanding of what spiritual warfare is, as outlined in God’s Word and explained thoroughly in this book.  If you feel you are unsure of what spiritual warfare is, if you question things going on around you and whether they might BE spiritual warfare, or if you just want a deeper understanding of the subject, look no further than this book.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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