Stand Up and Run

By: Stephanie Jones

You struggle, ache, and gasp for air but the sun is so hot. You try to break through but you’re held back. You want to stand but your roots are non-existent and cannot grasp the soil. All you want is to make something of yourself; to blossom into an incredible flower that can stand its ground. But you can’t, something holds you down.

Why is this happening to you? You’ve done everything. Well, at least you think you’ve done everything. You guess you could pray more. Or dust your Bible off and read a verse or two. Maybe walk your talk once in a while for people to see that you really are a “good Christian.” Then you’d definitely blossom into something special, right? Wrong.

Let’s face it. Satan is at work. He’ll do anything he can to separate you from God. If that means distracting you from what God has to say, so be it. Satan is desperate for your attention and will tear you apart if you haven’t allowed yourself to be planted in good, firm soil.

God wants to produce in you a great crop. It doesn’t matter what the world ties you up with. God will free you from it. Don’t get frustrated with your progress. Realize that we grow at different rates. The race isn’t always to the swift, but to those who keep on running so stand up and RUN!

When God says go–don’t stop short of where He says to go. You’re never done growing. It’s not good enough to stay where you have always been with Christ. You’ve been chosen for obedience. To fulfill God’s design means entire abandonment to Him. To suffer is expected but His glory will be your reward.

You can go to hell any route you want, but you can only go to heaven one way–through Jesus. Get off it and start throwing out the junk in your life that is holding you down. Quit wearing the aroma of the world. You can walk towards Jesus or yourself, but not both at the same time.

Don’t seek out the things that you think you need to make your flower beautiful. You don’t need that Christian CD or that book on how to pray so you can grow stronger. All you need is God.

Do you really want to stand tall, rooted in healthy soil? Then let Him be your fertilizer. Dig into the good soil! Whatever happens to your seed, will only happen because God knows that you will be that much stronger in Him for it. Be prepared to let God grip you by His awesome power and do a work in you that is totally worthy. Are you ready?

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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