Interview with Author Steven Mosley


by Trisha Bleau Smith

T4JYM: Secrets of the Mustard Seed was truly an inspiring book for me that made me feel empowered to do anything God called me to. Where did the idea for the book come from?

SM: I began thinking, what if the New Testament had Ten Commandments, what would they be? What did Jesus actually urge us to do the most? So I found out. I did word studies in the New Testament to find out which admonitions were repeated most. And I looked at passages that clarify what is most important. What came out in the end were Jesus top ten words of advice. They’re really Mustard Seed principles. They are the qualities of Christ’s kingdom. And I believe they are ways we can invest ourselves that produce the biggest results.

T4JYM: How has this book been received by the general public? Has there been positive feedback? Any negative feedback?

SM: The book just came out so I don’t have a lot of feedback from the general public. But I’ve never had a publisher so enthusiastic about the writing. I think it really captures people because it fleshes out the principles through real-life stories. It’s fun to read.

T4J: Do you get a lot of feedback from the public? Do you respond to the people who contact you about your works?

SM: I do when I put on seminars in churches. I’ve been doing a dramatic presentation, “Chosen Garment, the Whole Bible in One Act, for a while and it’s great to interact with the audience. I’m happy to talk to people about my books and seminars.

T4JYM: What are your next plans for writing? Do you plan to do any more books along the same lines as this book? Will you move on to new writing?

SM: Yes. I just finished the follow up book to “Secrets of the Mustard Seed.” It’s called “Secrets of Jesus’ Touch.” NavPress should have that one out next year.

T4JYM: How do you go about editing your writing? Do you send it to people to read first, BEFORE you send it to publishers? How many times do you go in and change things?

SM: Having people read chapters from the manuscript and give me feedback made a big difference this time around. I believe that’s why “Secrets of the Mustard Seed” is so accessible and enjoyable for the people who’ve read it.

T4JYM: How many times did you find your work was sent back to you before it was finally accepted by a publisher? Did they give you feedback when it came back to you?

SM: Publishing books is a tough business. There are so many book ideas flooding into publishers; it’s hard to get yours picked up. Sure I’ve had plenty of “No thanks.” And publishers are usually too busy to give you much feedback. You really need to have friends and acquaintances who appreciate good writing look over your stuff.

T4JYM: Have you written any other books? Do you have any ideas for books you would like to write?

SM: Yes I’ve done twelve books actually. “Glimpses of God,” “Great Stories and How to Tell Them,” “If Only God Would Answer,” and “A Tale of Three Virtues,” for example.

T4JYM: Do you do any other kinds of writing? For example, magazine writing, devotions, etc.

SM: I’m a producer and scriptwriter for Christian television. That keeps me pretty busy. And it’s great to deal with different topics all the time.

T4JYM: What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing writing as a career?

SM: Make sure that is one of the talents God has given you. Pray about it. Talk to people about it. Get feedback. Becoming a good writer is a process, but I think you need to have something there from the start.

Whatever you do, enjoy using your talents for God’s glory. I promise you there’s nothing as exciting and rewarding as that.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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