Study Time

By Trisha Bleau Smith

One of the most important things to remember when you go away to college is to keep up with your studies. The whole reason you are even IN college is to learn – therefore that means you MUST set aside time to study. Don’t neglect your study time to spend time with friends and to go out. You need to keep your studies up and keep them first.

Don’t be suprised when you go away to college and find that you don’t feel like studying. It is easy to be distracted by your friends, your roommates, the cute classmate that wants to talk instead of studying with you after setting up a study time… It is VERY easy to forget about the focus of your work and to be distracted by things around you. It is more fun to go out and play volleyball by the dorms than to read the three chapters due by Tuesday’s class.

You might want to consider setting a schedule for your study time. Set aside a certain time each day (or night) to get your studying done. Choose when you learn best (I,myself, am a morning person therefore setting aside the time 10:00 pm to 12:00 am is NOT conducive to my learning) and then schedule that time for nothing BUT studying. Use that time to do your homework, to read the assigned chapters, and review your notes.

Pray before you begin studying. Ask God to help you clear your mind and focus on your studies. He is faithful and will listen. Set aside all of the distractions of the day and focus in on the work at hand.

You might also wish to have a set place for studying. Most dorms have desks in the rooms that have PLENTY of room to do your studying – but they may not be the best place for you to study with the various people running up and down the halls and poking their heads through your door, with your roommate coming in and going out with friends, etc. You may need to go find a study spot – whether in the lounge, in the student union, in the library, under a tree, by the pool. Find somewhere that you will NOT be distracted and do your studying there. Use the time you have allotted and get the work done.

Studying is one of the most important things you can do in college – don’t lose sight of the reason you are going to school and do all you can to be successful.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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