Summer Alternatives

by Trisha Bridges Smith

For many school is out and summer has begun. Others have only days remaining then they too will enter into summer vacation. Everyone looks forward to sleeping in, pulling the covers up and snoozin’ til noon. But what are your plans when you wake up? Boredom? Or action?

Hopefully here you can find enough ideas to keep you busy this summer. Be creative. See what else you can come up with.

Summer job – Ick! A summer job? It sure beats sitting on your rump all day. Plus you meet new people, gain life skills, and work skills, and you get money!

Missions trip –
Sign up to go on a missions trip. Pray about this one. God will show you His will and He will help you raise the funds.

Volunteer – Give yourself and your time to a worthy organization. There are plenty of places that would love extra help. Don’t forget you can volunteer online as well! is always looking for volunteers, even those with no design skills at all!

Write – write songs, poetry, fiction, articles for this website, journal…. Just write! 🙂

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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