Reviews - Book

Book Review: Just Married

Title: Just Married Subtitle: What Might Surprise You About the First Few Years Author: Margaret Feinberg Publisher: Harvest House Date: April 2005 Pages: 224 ISBN: 0736915079 Category: Marriage, Relationships, Christian Living Buy it: Review […]

Reviews - Book

Book Review: When He Leaves

Title: When He Leaves Subtitle: Help and Hope for Hurting Wives Authors: Kari West and Noelle Quinn Publisher: Harvest House Date: 1998, April 2005 Pages: 272 ISBN: 0736915869 Category: Relationships, Divorce, Marriage, Women Buy it: […]

Reviews - Book

Book Review: Lovers for Life

Title: Lovers for Life Subtitle: Strengthening and Preserving Your Marriage Compiled by: Kenneth C. Musko Editor: Janet M. Dixon Publisher: Christian Publications Date: Jan 2021 Pages: 352 ISBN: 0875099947 Category: Marriage, Relationships, Dating Buy it: […]