The Ideal Father

by Alexander J Haynes

There are many distorted views on what the ideal father is, especially here in America, and often times when you get it, you don’t usually get the “idea” from a male perspective.

Being a male is hard, and yes as I understand it, being female is harder but as we all go through our own personal obstacles, it’s becoming rare that you see men stepping up and being the father’s that God has called them to be.

Malachi 4:6 (NIV) says this, “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” It’s been said that statistics are rising and that Father figures are becoming more common as they used to be in America. This particular verse is referring to the day of the Lord, and a sign that the Day of the Lord is near.

Personally, I feel that a mighty man of God who has decided to become a father should have the following characteristics:

  • Center His life around the Lordship of Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:24-27)
  • Share dreams with His family (Proverbs 29:18)
  • Be in divine order by Leading His family (Ephesians 5:23-6:3)
  • Have a sevant’s heart (Matthew 20:26-28)
  • Resolve conflicts between family before end of the day (Ephesians 4:25)
  • Honor and Respect (I Peter 3:1-7)
  • Keep Relationships Alive and Exciting (Proverbs 5:18)
  • Be Authentic (Matthew 23)
  • Keep Himself growing and developing spiritually (II Timothy 3:12-17)
  • Live by a covenant that keeps Him commmited (Malachi 2:13-16)

I think that by just instilling these core values in father’s the Lord will take care of the rest.

If the father is God fearing, then usually he’ll make a decision that everyone in the family may not like, but will submit to because the family knows that he has a personal relationship with the Lord and is fearful that if he steps out of the will of God, his family will be out of order.

A family wants to see these characteristics in a father, because a Christian family would show the proper love that a father would need to want to strive and meet these characteristics.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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