The Power of “The Passion”

This article was originally published in the February 2004 issue of T4J Magazine.

By Trisha Bleau Smith

In a world of sex, scandal, and politics it is clear that Hollywood has the upper hand on keeping stories like this foremost in our minds. Look at the movies being cranked out by the media moguls of the world – they reek of sex, they drip with scandal, and political thrillers are some of the most highly watched movies out there.

Yet there is a timeless story of political struggle and scandal – a story that many of us are familiar with, a story that has been put on the screen before but a story that always faces criticism…. a story that is more powerful and passionate than any other story written.

The end of the month of February the world of Christianity and the world in general will be offered a great experience to behold. Mel Gibson and Icon Pictures will be releasing their latest film, The Passion of Christ, an intense look at the suffering Christ endured for the sins of the world. Through this retelling of the familiar story the viewer is taken on a journey from Gethsemane to Golgotha in the most realistic, mind bending retelling of the greatest story ever told. There is no denying that this is a powerful story – whether you be a Christian, Jew, or of another belief, this film is a very impressive retelling of a story that cannot be wiped from the annals of history. There is no denying that Christ walked the earth, that He had followers who preached a new way of living and loving, or that He was put to the most horrific death of all on a Roman cross…. and there will be no denying the power behind this film and the impact it has on those who view it.

Having now been able to view a rough cut of the film after having read numerous reviews and news articles I can honestly say that my life as a Christian has so much more meaning. I weep at the realization that it was my own sins that hurt my Lord so deeply, so physically. We have always heard the verses that speak of His precious blood and that tell us it is by His stripes we are healed – but now those visual impressions are engraved in my mind and tear at my heart as I SEE the pain and suffering He went through because of me…. Every Christian that sees this film will see themselves in it and will walk away with a wet face – there is no denying the emotional impact this film has on people. It was clearly a deeply touching film as evidenced by the faces of those who sat in the screening room with me after viewing it. Not one person was able to look around the room (though I was – I was interested in the responses – but I thank God no one made eye contact with me or I would surely have burst in to tears) – each person sat staring at the screen, the table, thier lap, SOMETHING, thinking on the images they had just seen before them so passionately brought to life before our eyes.

I cannot deny that it was a hard film to watch – it was hard to see Jesus battered and bruised for our iniquities. It was hard to see the flesh being torn from his body as they beat Him relentlessly. It was heart breaking to see those who loved Him and followed Him stand by helplessly weeping for Him. Yet it was truly inspiring because I know the end of the story, both of the film and beyond! I know the reason He died for us and I know the plan that He has to bring us all home with Him someday. And the end of the film left the viewer with that hope – a resurrected Savior walked from His grave….

Should younger viewers see this movie? I honestly do not know how to advise on this question. It is a story that we hear taught to us from our earliest days in the nursery at church. It is a story we are raised with, that we learn from Sunday School and from the pulpit. One that we should ALL be familiar with… Yet do we really understand this story when we simply hear it and read it? Visual representations of stories are often the most powerful means of conveying messages and this is a film with a POWERFUL message that is essential for EVERY Christian to have. So should you take your children to see it? Should your junior high youth groups have a movie outing? In all honesty I don’t think that younger viewers will be able to handle the highly graphic nature of this film – the film IS rated R for violence. It is a very violent movie – the writers did an amazing job in researching the times and seeing how things were done and the actors did an amazing job of bringing these bloody times to life on screen. It is hard to watch the scenes of pain and suffering, which are many. But it is a story we NEED to see, a story we need to know about to truly understand that it IS by His blood that we are healed… that He gave of Himself, willingly, like a lamb before the alter, so that we might live. Being that the movie is rated R you will HAVE to get parent permission for younger viewers to see the film – but by all means if parents are okay with permitting their children to see it then I DO recommend it be seen. But PLEASE be ready to talk about the film, the actions of the Jews and the Romans, the sacrifice Christ made for us, and help them to understand that though this IS a harsh death that He died for us there is hope in it and we are all saved because this happened.

After viewing the film I am amazed to think that ANYONE would be critical in any way. The film in no way portrays and semblence of anti-semitism. You don’t focus on one group of people as being THE ones who killed Christ – you see the truth of His sacrifice, that He gave of Himself so that we all might live. Regardless of whether you are a Christian or not this film has a passionate storyline and is vividly brougth to life on screen. There is no denying that it is a very well done film, an amazingly well written story and one that is based on historical truth. Criticism that I have seen made public has been by those who have yet to view the film so I urge you to view it for yourself rather than judging it based on preconceived notions and stereotypes. Let the film speak for itself first, then make your judgements.

But regardless, DO NOT miss out on this film. Do not pass up the opportunity to view it. Get your tickets now, call your friends and schedule a time to go with them, but make sure you see this film. Call your local theaters to find out what times it will be shown. The movie releases nation wide February 25th, Ash Wednesday.

Don’t miss out on this month’s interview. Producer Mel Gibson took time out of his busy schedule to answer a few short questions from our site’s visitors about his latest release. Visit to find his responses.

About Trisha Smith 1192 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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