Book Review: The Soul Tells a Story

Title: The Soul Tells a Story
Subtitle: Engaging Creativity with Spirituality in the Written Life
Author: Vinita Hampton Wright
Publisher: IV Press
Date: March 2005
Pages: 260
ISBN: 0830832319
Category: Christian Living, Spiritual Growth, Self-Help
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Review by: Trisha Smith




I remember my teachers always telling me to write what I know, to write from my heart. They said the best writers wrote from personal experience. What I love about this book was that it encourages and teaches the reader how to use spirituality in combination with creativity. Vinita Hampton Wright teaches the reader exactly what I teach my students but does it in a way that bolsters spiritual development through creative expression. She shows readers how creative expression can best be developed as we dive deep within our hearts, letting it connect to our spirituality, to our faith, and flowing out into our writing. This is an excellent book to help you to unlock the writer within. It is full of realistic suggestions and guidance that will help you to grow. It was great seeing actual exercises that were included for you to use to grow, to learn, to develop your own writing abilities. And it was interesting to see all the quotes that concluded each chapter, that gave further information and insight on the words spoken within. This is a must for any person longing to be a better writer.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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