Time for God

By: Sheryl Taylor

“It’s raining I don’t really have no place to go,
Hear a voice of quiet in my soul
Saying I should go on just stay home
Saying I should talk to you.
Tell you everything that’s on my mind,
Tell you what’s going on inside
I don’t even know when’s the last time that I
(Made time to talk to you)
I’ve been so busy runnin’bout
Always trying to kick it go hang out
(But there’s no one else but you)
Oh it’s you I truly I want to see,
Cause of all the love you give to me…”

That is a verse of a powerful song by Out of Eden’s Meditate. It touches my heart because a lot of the time God is on the bottom on my to do list. I put a lot of stuff before him, and even when I don’t have anything to do sometimes I’ll just sit there and clean out my finger nails, but I hardly think of taking that time to talk to God, or read his word. God wants that time for us, it is in those quiet and peaceful times that God talks to us.

When all the drama of the day is cleared out of our minds and all we’re focused on is God a lot of prayers get answered and revelations formed. I have just recently resumed my daily devotions, and even though I only have been doing it for two weeks, I feel closer to God now more than ever. I am being extra careful though, because the reason I stopped before was because I was either too tired, or if I did do my devotions I only did them for the sake of doing them, not to get closer to God. If we can’t make time for God now, when are we going to be able to do it, we get busier as we get older.

God sent his only son Jesus for you, imagine sending a person you care the most for to suffer and die for the whole world! Jesus did it for you, the hours of pain and agony, and yet we find that we still can’t give God 15 minutes of our lives to talk to him, read his word. Believe me I’m not patronizing all those who are struggling with their devotions, because like I said, I have a hard time too. However, I would like all of us to try to re-evaluate our lives and make some time for God.

“My tower in times of refuge, my source of life and peace
Your love it falls like raindrops and never seems to cease
You’re the god of all creation; you’re the lover of my soul
Given me the air that I breathe
No way I could ever let you go so I
(So I give thanks to you)
More than just for everything you’ve done,
But for how you’ve shown me you’re the one that I
(Can put my trust into)
So no matter who it is that calls
I’m not leaving till your spirit falls one me”

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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