Helpful Tips for a Great School Year

By Jeramy Jennings

That’s right guys and gals, it’s that time of year again. You heard me, back to the books you go! For some people, school is a dreaded activity, while others find it great to catch up on their social lives. I’ve rounded up some tips for you to use this year.

Avoid Cramming – Plan ahead to make sure all your homework is not packed into a little time frame when it will be rushed and not completed to your best ability.

Use a planner – Get a hold of one of those daily planners at Wal-Mart. They help you remember assignments and plan ahead.

Disconnect – When social life becomes too much to handle, disconnect. Stop answering the phone, signing online, etc. It’s best to sit alone with a good book, take a well-needed nap, or watch a favorite TV show.

Laugh – They say laughter is the best medicine there is. You believe them? I do! So when you’re feeling blue, go crack a few jokes with a good friend!

Start a diary or journal – Find a notebook to write down your deep dark secrets. It’s a good way to make those feelings flow somewhere, even if it’s on a piece of paper. Or through your fingers to a word processing document.

Spend time with God – Last and most importantly, talk to your Creator! Just say something like, “Yo God! What’s up?” It don’t matter to Him, just make conversation. Just tell Him how much you love Him! Also, read into His Word. Read a few good Bible Stories when you are stressed out.

Keep these simple tasks in mind the next time you get upset of stressed out!

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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