Interview with Transistor Radio

By: Jessica Gregrorius

T4JYM: How did your group form?

TR: Well last year in september we formed the band. Originally Mike and Jordan started together writing songs, then Jordan called Guy on the phone and Guy moved back out to Cali from Texas. Guy and Jordan started talking to Brad who went to church with them and asked him to come sing and so he did. Then Jackson, Guy found via online then he came over and we where like alright it’s on. Then Jackson felt it was time to do other things for God so he left, Mike had different ideas about music so he as well parted ways. We picked up amazing musician Jeff and long time friend of Jordan and Guy, Sam. Did you start out together or did you pick up players along the way? I think I just answered that one…I’m not sure though. We all came together in the beginning then the others just came.

T4JYM: How long have you all been together? How long has the group been in existence, not counting any possible changes in members?

TR: We have been a band from just a very little over a year.

T4JYM: What kind of equipment do you use?

TR: Ah fun question. Gibson Les Paul Custom guitars, Gibson SG guitars, a good old flying V guitar, Sammick guitars, Ernie Ball Music Man basses, Ibenez basses, DR strings, Dunlop picks, Line six, Marshall, Mesa Boogie, Ampeg, Vater sticks, Aquiairian drum heads, DW, Truth Custom Drums, Zildjian

T4JYM: How has this affected the group? Did it take awhile to bond? What kind of relationship do you all have now?

TR: Well honestly thing were tough with the old line up but know everyone clicks as if we’ve all known each other snice we where 5.

T4JYM: What is the main focus in your ministry? Teens? The lost? The hurting? Why did you decide up on this as a focus?

TR: Now i’m going to say everyone but know i’m going to explain. See most people know a days claim to a Christian well truth is they AREN’T! Blunt? yes, but true. See the reason we say this is because look at the fruits that are in their lives.

God tells us “You will know them by their fruits”. Another thing how many people out there say yeah my faith in Jesus is great and i’m doing so good but yet the minute someone comes to them and says why do you faith or what is your faith about or even who is your God, most people can’t even answer that question. The only thing they know is what is told to them on Sunday morning church. Our goal as a band is to try and get people off the butts and and pick up the only thing we have in this life The Bible and actually read it and live by it for crying out loud. Know your savior people cause you can’t take your play station to heaven with you or even your car.

Oh and another thing! please don’t take parts of the Word and say oh well I believe this but I don’t believe that to be ture….Guess what…Wake Up!!! you DON’T GET THAT CHOICE. Either take it ALL or take none of it because you can’t be in the middle. There is no middle ground your either for Him or against Him.

T4JYM: What does your group’s name mean?

TR: It means l;kjadofiwenajsdaojwfncljasd. Which for in English means 5 idiots playing music.

T4JYM: Where did you come up with it?

TR: Honestly we where just sitting around writing down names on a paper and that was the one we ended up liking the most.

T4JYM: Where do you see the band in five years? Ten? The future?

TR: I see us still living at home with our parents or each other trying to make music for people to like (which the won’t) and drinking lots of Red Bull and AMP energy drinks during recording.

T4JYM: Do you ever worry about getting caught up in the world of show biz? That success will change your group?

TR: No we don’t care about being famous. We’ll always hang out with our fans at every show no matter how big or how small.

T4JYM: What kind of relationship do you maintain with your audiences? Do you fellowship with them? Or do you remain distant as the performer?

TR: See there is this really secretive place called “Backstage” well we don’t really ever go back there because we are fans too and when we would go to we would love to hang out the bands and there as so many times I wish I could have hung out with the band and guess what never happened. So we always try to do our best to spend as much time with our fans as we possibly can.

T4JYM: How would you describe your music style?

TR: according to Dave Swonson we are Chocolate.

T4JYM: Who, or what, are your biggest musical influences?

TR: The Texas Chainsaw Ensamble, Hulk Holgan and The Aquabats

T4JYM: Are you involved in any other ministries?

TR: We do worship for our churches.

T4JYM: How much time do you spend practicing as a group? How much time do you practice individually?

TR: As a group we practice 4 to 5 days a week. Individually I would almost everyday.

T4JYM: Does the group come together for prayer at times other than concerts and ministry opportunities?

TR: Yes we actually try our best to have our own Bible stuff together every Tuesday night. Although we can’t do it every tuesday we really try.

T4JYM: Have you always had a desire to be in a group like this?

TR: Believe it or not yes and no. See we all have wanted to serve God through music but we all listen to completely different music then what we play so it’s kind of weird. Wait no we listen to type of music we play as well.

T4JYM: What is the latest news on your group? Any new CD’s to be released soon?

TR: Well we currently have a 6 song cd out call “The Breaking Routines E.P.” and we are looking to have that cd Release in Japan in December with 4 additional songs to make it a full length.

T4JYM: What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened at one of your concerts?

TR: Guy snores.

T4JYM: What’s band could you not live without?

TR: Five Iron Frenzy, Relient K, Bon Jovi, We could go on forever please don’t ask that question again…

T4JYM: What are your favorite bible verses?

TR: Col. 3:15-17, Eph. 2:8, Phil. 2:1-4, Matthew 5

T4JYM: Do you have any advice for the youth of today?

TR: Eat green beans and tomato soup and hurray for school.

T4JYM: What people have influenced you (non-musicians)?

TR: yeah that one guy… what’s his name? Jesus! yeah that’s him….. and Bob Hope.

T4JYM: What’s one tv show you can’t live without?

TR: Conan O Brien and The Simpsons

T4JYM: If you were stranded on an island, and could only have five things, what would they be?

TR: Chocoalte Pudding, Cartoons, Golf clubs, Wally Word (Wal-Mart) and a tropical sounds cd.

About Trisha Smith 1170 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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