A True Heart of Worship

By Alexander Haynes

In today’s world we see “worship” in many different forms. The first instance of worship, or mention of the word “worship” we see in the Bible is in Genesis 22:5. This trueness of worship is demonstrated by Abraham’s faith being confirmed. To show that his love was true and real, he followed the Lord’s command by taking his first-born son, Isaac, and was going to sacrifice [worship] him to the Lord. When you view your worship today, do you think that it could possibly ever be that strong?

Praise and Worship are more than just singing 2 fast songs, and 2 slow songs, reading words out of a hymnal, or listening to a nice choir or chorus. It’s been once said that “Christian’s don’t speak lies, they sing them.” True worship is defined by Webster’s™ as “The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.” Is Jesus your love? Devotion? Deity? Idol? Sacred Object?

The truth is that Jesus is no longer looking for phony, half-hearted, un-committed, un-dedicated worshippers. What is it that you worship exactly? What do you love? What are your idol(s)? In this day and age there are a number of things that teenagers worship in place of the true King of Kings who should be worshipped. When you give more of your time to the Internet than you give to Jesus, you’re worshipping the Internet. When you give more time to your XBOX or PS-2, you’re worshipping the XBOX or PS-2. The average American teenager averages 8 hours a day in some form of entertainment, ON TOP of school. With this in mind, what would you put down?

You’ve got a choice…that only you can make. You can put down Jesus, or you can put down your entertainment. I’m not being unreasonable and saying “HEY! Entertainment is of the Devil!” But you know what’s wrong and what’s right… and if you feel you’re completely holy in what you’re watching, or playing, or viewing, I challenge you to give some of that time up and just spend it in time with the Lord. Will your life change? You won’t know until you try it out.

About Trisha Smith 1192 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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