Trusting God With the Small Things

By: Jordan Taylor

Looking back over my 13 years of existence, I am almost ashamed at some of the smallest things I have worried about and made myself sick over. Things so small, that I feel foolish for not just letting God take over and getting me through them. One of the things we are supposed to do as Christians is pray to God when we are facing troubles big or small, and then let go, and let him take care of us. This simple trust has proven to be one of the most difficult things to master in my personal walk with Christ.

If I were to sit at home and ponder on the things that could go wrong in my life, I would get absolutely nothing accomplished. I would spend all day worrying about the could be’s and might be’s. You may be thinking “Nobody would ever do that!” but let me tell you, if we as children of God begin to stop trusting Him to take care of us, this is a very possible scenario. I have often caught myself being consumed with worry over small things that never really end up happening anyway. The Bible says: Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? (Matthew 6:27) This means that all the time that we spend worrying are in vain because we cannot change our fate anyway!

One of the things that bothers me most about my inability to trust God is how much it must hurt Him when I don’t. Jesus died for me on the cross, and rose again. Why then can I not have the assurance that the same God that conquered death can take care of all the little things that happen in my life. Not only does worrying hurt God, but it also has damaging effects on your long term health.

Although it is easier said than done, the only solution to this problem is to stop worrying and let God take care of you. Consider the lilies of the valley, God loves and takes care of them, how much greater are you than the lilies in God’s eyes. So don’t worry! God’s got your back.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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