Unanswered Prayers

By: Micah Messer

Have you ever asked, Why are my prayers unanswered? Have you ever wondered, Why is God silent in my situation? I asked myself those questions recently. I searched the Scriptures for answers to my unanswered prayers, and I discovered several possible reasons. Here’s what I found.

Prayerlessness We have not because we ask not. (James 4:2) We think about it. We talk about it. We worry about it. We write about it. But we never truly approach the throne of grace with our request. God cannot answer what is not asked.

Asking Alone – We share our requests with our Father, yet we hide them from our brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes, some requests should remain in private, but others should be revealed in public. Where two or three agree on earth, our Father agrees in Heaven. When two or three gather together in His name, He is present. (Matthew 18:19-20) Bear one another’s burdens. Share your prayer.

Wrong Reasons – Our motives are misleading. Our intentions are incorrect. We pray selfishly. (James 4:3) We want our prayers answered according to our plans. God is not a spiritual Santa Claus to grant our every wish and want.

Inappropriate Requests – Even the inner-circle of Peter, James, and John were misguided. Peter asked if he could build three tents for Jesus, Moses and Elijah. James and John asked if they could sit on Jesus’ right and left in the Kingdom. Jesus simply said no. God will not answer what should never be asked.

Unconfessed Sins – How dare we ask the Sovereign to listen while we live in our sin? Sin separates us from the Savior. His face is hidden. His ears are deaf. His hand is withdrawn. (Is. 59:2; Jer. 7:16, 14:11-12) God is silent because of sin. (Psalm 66:18)

Ruined Relationships – God takes how we treat others personally. Unto the least of these. Our prayers are hindered from unresolved issues with friends and family. (Matt. 5:23-24; 1 Pet. 3:7). Ask others for forgiveness before kneeling at the altar.

Bad Attitudes – We reap what we sow. If we lack compassion for those in need, God will not have compassion for your needs. (Prvb. 21:13) If we chose not to help when we can, then we do not have the love of God. (1 Jn. 3:17; Jam. 2:14-17) God will not answer your prayer if you are unwilling to be the answer to a prayer.

Doubt – We pray with unbelief. We believe anything is possible with God, but not probable. If we cast our cares only to reel them back, if we lay our burdens down only to pick them up again, then we pray with unbelief. Doubters can be confident that God will not answer their prayers. (James 1:6-8)

God’s Will – The will of God is supreme. (1 Jo. 5:14-15) Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane was unanswered. He asked for the cup of wrath to pass if possible. Jesus knew God’s will would and should have priority. His ways are higher than yours. His thoughts are greater than mine. His purpose is better than our plans. Your wants may not be God’s will.

Thorns in the Flesh – The Apostle Paul prayed three times for his thorn to be removed. Yet God allowed it to remain. Paul learned that grace is sufficient in the suffering. Challenges build character. Maybe your difficulty is for your dependence on God. Perhaps your problem is for your perfection in Christ.

Waiting – Abraham waited 25 years in the wilderness for the promise of Isaac. Joshua and Caleb waited 40 years in the desert for the promise of Canan. Jesus waited 18 years for John the Baptist to prepare the way. The Early Church waited 7 days in the upper room for the promise of the Spirit. Paul waited 14 years to be accepted by the Apostles. Your answer could be around the corner. Good things come to those who wait.

Thankfulness – Be thankful in your prayers. (Phil. 4:6) In everything give thanks. (1 Thes. 5:18; Eph. 5:20) If you grumble and complain about what you do have, why should God give you what you don’t have? If you are unthankful for what God has given you, then why should He bless you with more?

Trust & Worry – He clothes the lilies of the field. He feeds the birds of the sky. He counts each sparrow and every hair. He knows what you have need before you even ask. Jesus commanded us to stop worrying and start trusting. (Matt. 6:25-34) You’ll never stand strong until you learn to lean on Jesus.

Not Serious – How often have you went prayed throughout the night without sleep for your needs? How often have you fasted through the day for your requests? Passionless prayer reveals how serious we are about our prayer. If the effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much, then the ineffectual, unfervent prayer of the righteous accomplishes little. (Jam. 5:16)

After reading the above reasons, why do you think your prayer has been unanswered? I must admit that the blame for my unanswered prayers lies solely with me, not my Heavenly Father.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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