Book Review: Wanting to Be Her

Title: Wanting to Be Her
Subtitle: Body Image Secrets Victoria Won’t Tell You
Author: Michelle Graham
Publisher: IV Press
Date: March 2005
Pages: 169
ISBN: 0830832661
Category: Women, Body Image, Eating Disorders, Health & Wellness
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Review by: Trisha Smith



This was a book that I had a hard time with. I have always struggled with my physical image and therefore my self-confidence was not what God created me to be but what I felt I was based on society’s standards. This book addressed that topic.  It was as if the author had written this message for no one but me. I was amazed that it was almost as if it was me… and it was convincing. I am not going to say this book was the end all be all for me and that is how I see myself through God’s eyes only. It takes more than a book to change twenty plus years of this programming. But I can say now that I have at least begun the process of changing my thinking and reprogramming my thought process so that I do not continue to subscribe to the lies I have fed myself for so many years. This book has amazing potential to liberate you, to let you soar high above those chained by society’s standards, flying free on the truths of God. This book will give you the power to be you, the you that God has created you to be, a precious beauty unlike any other. Learn how to be that person now. Go get your copy today.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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