Interview with Watashi WA

By Mark Perkins

T4J: Just for those who do not know, what musical genre do you think Watashi Wa falls in to?

WW: pop/ alternative/ punk. i think you can dance to it.

T4J: How many cd’s has the band made?

WW: we’ve made two

T4J: What are the ages of the band members?

WW: we’re all 18

T4J: How did Watashi Wa form, and how long has the band been together?

WW: well we started when i was 13 but it was 3 other guys…then we got roger and mike after the guitarist and bass player moved away. (they were brothers). then the drummer quit and lane was a friend of mine. so we asked him to join. that was when i was 15. about 3 years ago…almost 4

T4J: What does the name mean?

WW: it means “i am” in japanese. the name God refers Himself as in the old testament.

T4J: What is the best show you guys have played? Why?

WW: a bar in fresno called jerrys pizza. it was just cool to be able to bring hope and positive ideas to that atmosphere.

T4J: What is the worst show you’ve played at? Why?

WW: id rather not say.

T4J: What were your major musical influences growing up?

WW: mine personally were the beatles keith green and alison krauss. along with kenny loggins.

T4J: Some believe your musical style has changed a good bit. Do you believe that it has? Why or why not?

WW: i think music should change. Psalm 33:3 Psalm 40:3 Psalm 96:1 Psalm 98:1 Psalm 144:9. Isaiah 42:10. i think we’ve changed…not necessarily who we are as a core…or as a style…but i think our music will continue to be defined.

T4J: What has success done and what do you think it will do to change the band? How much has it already affected Watashi Wa?

WW: success? what is success? really i believe success is only what matters in eternity. if something affects eternity it is success…i think when we see that kind of success it makes us more passionate.

T4J: What are your views on listening to secular music?

WW: if secular music brings you down you should not listen to it. i believe you should do nothing or associate with nothing unless it edifies. but if secular music edifies you in the way that you can glorify God by being influenced by ones creativity i believe that is a very good thing. i also believe that making new music or being creative in making a new song is glorifying to God. but it can be used either way. music is amazing. it can do so much…it is important to be cautious but not to be ignorant. also realize that you should not be a stumbling block to others in what you listen to.

T4J: What do you say to those who say that you are lukewarm in your faith because not every song directly refers to God?

WW: luke warm? they don’t know me. i try to be real in what i go through. just because i don’t say God in every song doesn’t mean it doesn’t refer to God. i think people are very religious. they look for words instead of heart. the fact is i all i care about in life is being used by God. nothing else matters to me. i am very real in my songs about the truth i know in life and in relating truth to people that go through the same things as me. pharisees are still around. people will say what they will. i will worry about my relationship with God and desiring his heart and being sensitive to his voice.

T4J: What plans have been made for the future of the band (that you are willing to share right now)?

WW: we want to sign to a secular label and only play secular shows because that’s what we feel called to.

T4J: Now for some fun ones. What are your favorite movies? TV shows?

WW: i hate tv and most movies. i like few movies. my favorite is life is beautiful.

T4J: What are the band’s favorite books and authors?

WW: i like Francis Shaffer

T4J: What are some of the bands that you guys like?

WW: um a lot. we like U2 the cure 16 horse power Alison krauss nickel creek toad the wet sprocket green day foo fighter fiona apple REM a lot.. too many.

T4J: Is there anything else you’d like to add? Questions? Comments?

WW: seek truth.

About Trisha Smith 1157 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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