Interview with Author Wayne Normis

Author of The Last Street Fighter

By Trisha Bleau Smith

T4JYM: I am anxious to read The Last Street Fighter to see what you have in store for us. Where did the idea for the book come from? Where do you generally draw your ideas for writing from?

WN: The Last Street Fighter is a true story and it is my testimony. As Christians the Lord calls us to share our testimonies and witness to others of the life saving, changing power of God the Son, Jesus Christ. For me this was in California youth correctional facilities, juvenile halls, and C.Y.A. prisons. I shared my testimony many times and was asked back often. I shared how the Lord spared my life after being singled out by three different gangs and a drug dealer by the time I was eighteen years old. About seven years ago, I felt the call and leading of the Lord to put it in writing. It took me five years to write it on a part time basis. It has received good reviews, is not stereotypical and is a fast paced book available at my site at << website no longer available >> or The idea was an inspiration borne out of the burden, love and concern God has put in my heart for today’s teenagers and people in general.

T4JYM: When will it be ready for the public? Do you have any publishers lined up for this book or do you still have to go through the process of submitting your book to the publishers?

WN: The Last Street Fighter was published in 2001 and is available at my site at << website no longer available >>, barnes and, and If you belong to a reading group where you will read it, or if you are locked up , I will see what I can do to get you a free copy.

T4JYM: What made you decide to write a book on such a dangerous topic? What is your motivation for writing and what do you hope to achieve by sharing this information with readers?

WN: Ten kids a day die by gunfire alone in our country, not even mention other forms of weapons or suicide. I hope to first and foremost share about the life saving changing power of God in the person of Jesus Christ and lead some to Him for the practical every day problems and answers people are looking for. Young people are starving for the truth and answers. They are dying as well. I went to funerals routinely as a teen and this is the story of my generation X and now yours. The Last Street Fighter is a powerful work. It gives a first hand account and answers the questions of who, what, when, and why in recent history we went from fist fighting to the shootings we see today. I was there when it all changed as a teen, a street fighter and a member of gang of young white men and God spared my life through many close calls, for such a time as this.

T4JYM: Who have been your biggest influences in life? Who have been your biggest influences in your life as a writer?

WN: First and foremost my Savior and God Jesus Christ. Second of all the teachings of Pastor Dr. Mr. Luther King Jr. who was an excellent New Testament teacher. Most people do not know this but Dr. King’s sermons are available at most public libraries on tape and they came from his Sunday morning sermons. My own Pastor, who is an excellent teacher as well, and my mother, who I take care of, are my editors. Every writer needs to collaborate with an editor and without one it is even more difficult.

T4JYM: Have you written any other books? Do you have plans to write anything more?

WN: This is my first book and it was very difficult process. I have no plans for another book, however, you never know where the Lord will lead.

T4JYM: Do you do any other kinds of writing – magazines, newspapers, etc.?

WN: Yes, I have a sports column which covers the Oakland Raiders at << website no longer available >>

T4JYM: Are you ONLY a writer – meaning, is writing your full time job or do you have a job that you do full time and write on the side?

WN: It is very hard to make a living from writing books and the ministry. For example, a standard contract is around 15% on the net or from the price you see listed on the book. The money I earn I turn it around and put back in to the book. So my book is ran like a not for profit. It is for me however, a ministry where the goal is not money. It is about reaching people for Christ. The rewards here are not in dollars, so I do work for a living with a full time job. I will say God has taken good care of me however in general and I live well.

T4JYM: What training do you have in writing? Did you take any writing courses in college to obtain the skills you have currently?

WN: Writing is very important, in any job. I do have a two year degree however, I have no formal training other than general education courses in college and a gift and talent which I have exercised by faith.

T4JYM: What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a career in writing?

WN: Pursue it yes, however have a back up plan as most people actually do not work in the field they majored in College. Just going to college opens up worlds of opportunity and helps you compete and get the edge on competion for good careers. Don’t think too much about it, be faithful and let the Lord lead. Get the education you need and know High School is not enough. Shoot for the moon. If you miss you will reach a mountain top.

T4JYM: What advice would you give to someone interested in publishing their works?

WN: Persevere as it will try your faith. I had a stack of rejection letters for a book which has received excellent reviews and this is not uncommon. For the publisher it comes down to if they think it will make money or not, period. It is after all a business and you have to understand that. Each time I got a rejection letter I just said, “Well, praise be, I got them right where I want them.” I just kept trying and trying until I got published. Keep in mind that in today’s world you can always self publish or publish with print on demand which is a last option because it costs you money to get it going. This route has high standards as well and you must be accepted by their reviewers for putting out quality material.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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