What is Follow Up

The words “follow up” have come up numerous times in discussions online. Follow up is a very important aspect of evangelism. This page’s purpose is to help you understand what follow up is.

What exactly is follow up? Let’s explore this concept and implement it in our evangelistic efforts. It is our hopes that we can help each person learn how to share more deeply, how to develop relationships with new believers that will root them in the basics of their new found faith while affirming each of you in your own works.

Follow up is the process of working with a person after they have accepted Christ as their personal Savior. It is the work done with a new believer afterwards that will help them to grow as a Christian. Follow up, two words, mean ACTION. You need to take action to continue the conversation, answer questions, and lead the recipient in understanding salvation and discipleship.

In doing follow up the seasoned believer is brought back to the basics of their faith. They are reminded of why they accepted Jesus themselves. It reaffirms them as a Christian, encourages them in their work, and helps them to learn more.

A technique used by teachers to help their students learn is to allow them the chance to teach on their own. Through teaching a person learns more on their own than if they were just listening to a lecture. A person teaching ahs to know what they are teaching before it can do any good for the new believer. Through teaching the veteran believer is strengthened in their own faith.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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