Why Should We Follow Up?

Now that we have spent many lessons on how to share our faith it is time to look at what we do afterwards. This page is not the answer to all follow up planning, but will give you an idea of where to start.

The Great Commission does not say go and share your faith with all nations, but go and make disciples. Make is an ongoing word, a verb, an action word. A disciple is one who learns, one disciplined in following.

Our job is to continue sharing with these people and to lead them in growing. We have a job, commissioned by God, to help new believers learn how to live for Jesus. That is the basic purpose of follow up. To continuously lead a person in growth, thus teaching them how to be self sufficient Christians, or disciples of Christ.

So now that you know follow up is important how do you do it?

Many different groups can help you with follow up for new believers. You can help point people towards someone who can help them, programs they can sign up for participating in, etc. It is always good to check back in with the person occasionally to make sure they are still participating and to help them find a different program or group to guide them to if not.

There are many different ways to disciple a person. You can continue to work with them via email, messenger, etc. You can point them towards other people to work with them, a church to send them to, a program to participate in, etc.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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