Prayer Lesson 10: Listening

“You can’t build a relationship on one way speeches.
You need frequent, sustained, intimate contact between two people,
both of whom speak and both of whom listen….

Listening to God speak through His Holy Spirit is not only normal, it is essential.”
— Bill Hybels, Too Busy Not to Pray

But how do you hear God?

  1. Pose a Question: Again, the journal’s value is seen. Write your question as clearly as possible. Then look for the answer. Keep the question in mind as you search the Scriptures and pray and talk with others. You might not find the answer the moment you look, but keep the question in mind and be watching.
  2. Write a letter – Try answering it yourself. You may feel it is YOU, but sometimes you find that God answers through you.
  3. Address a Problem – Tell God the problem, then listen throughout the day. You might get the answer in a mental picture, through a person, etc.
  4. Time – Set aside time with Him. Listen as you spend time reading His Word or praying.
  5. Watch –
    * Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night for no reason. Why not pray? God may be telling you He wanst you to spend that time in prayer. Listen to His leading.
    * Sometimes we find unexpected time (traffic jam? stuck in an elevator?) Fill that time with God.
    * Have a sudden urge to call someone or pray for someone? God might be moving you to do this.
  6. Practice silence – Set aside the noise and busy-ness of the world to listen. He speaks in a roaring whisper. It is loud and clear but only if you strain to listen, as you do to a whisper.

How do you determine it is HIS voice?

Ask Him. Plain and simple.

If it contradicts Scripture, it is not from Him.
It will ALWAYS reflect Him and give Him glory.
It will ALWAYS resonate with other believers.
It will ALWAYS be relevant to the time and issue.

Study Questions:

1. Can you LEARN to listen or is it a skill you have?
2. How do you know it is HIS voice and not your own?

Think About It

Are you listening or speaking when you pray? Examine your prayer life. Thinka bout what you are doing in regards to listening. Ask God to help you learn to listen more.

Prayer Series Index | Prayer Lesson 11

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