Prayer Lesson 11: Framed Prayers and P.R.A.Y.

The next lesson is made up of two shorter lessons combined into one. We have been going over the series now for nearly a month and are almost done. Please be sure to give feedback. Have you tried these prayers? How have they worked for you? Have you found your prayer life changing any?

Framed Prayers

As a teacher of low instructional levels I find myself using frame sentences to teach students to write. But this technique can ALSO be applied to prayer.

This format is best used in small group settings. The leader begins. People randomly pray as they feel led (popcorn prayer).

For example: “Lord, I thank You for…..”

This technique is great for those who are nervous about praying out loud. They simply repeat the sentence substituting in the word of their choice. You can later increase it to a phrase and then to a sentence, then a few sentences. Thus, you are teaching people HOW to pray out loud. You are helping them to overcome their fear of praying in public.

P.R.A.Y. (E.R.)

P – Praise: Honor God for who He is and what He has done. Focus on God.

R – Repent: COnfess personal and corporate sins.

A – Ask: Include petitions (self) and intercessions (others)

Y – Yield: Wait on God for direction

Some add the following:

E – Expect: Anticipate that God will answer your prayer.

R – Rejoince: Praise God for who He is and what He will do.

Study Guide:

  1. Can you help others learn how to pray?
  2. Can you use more than one word when finishing the frame prayer?
  3. What does P.R.A.Y. stand for?
    P –
    R –
    A –
    Y –
  4. What do E and R stand for?
    E –
    R –
  5. Do you have to include them?

Think About It (Two parts)

Examine your prayer life once again. Do you have a problem with stepping out of the comfort zone to pray in public? Ask God to help you learn to pray out loud or to help you teach others how to overcome that fear of praying in public.

Waiting is the hardest thing to do for many people. Think about waiting on God. Are you expecting and rejoicing? Or are you being doubtful that God will answer?

Prayer Series Index | Prayer Lesson 12

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