Prayer Lesson 12: The Prayer Jesus Taught

Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. It is often referred to as the Lord’s Prayer or the Model Prayer. This lesson will focus in on the aspects of the modeled prayer, probably in a way you have not really looked at it before.

  • Our Father in heaven
    Praise – Express your love to God. Include adoration and thanksgiving.
  • Hallowed by Your Name
    Commit yourself to holiness in His Name. Give Him the honor and glory He deserves through committing yourself to Him and serving Him.
  • Your Kingdom Come
    Purpose – Recognize God’s purpose and will for your life. We are to further His Kingdom through our lives.
  • Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
    Commit yourself to doing His will.
  • Give us this day our daily bread
    Let Him provide
  • Forgive us our debts , as we also have forgiven our debtors
    Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness. Be sure you are also forgiving others.
  • Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one
    Let God be your protection. He will deliver you from what ails you. Trust Him.
  • For Yours is the kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever
    God is the source of ALL things. Acknowledge Him.
  • Amen
    Peace – leave everything in His hands.

Study Guide:

  1.  Where did this prayer come from?
  2. Where is the model prayer found in Scripture?
  3. Do you have to pray only the words given in the passage or can you supplement?

Think About It (Two parts)

This day in age people are seeking guides by which to live and act. It was no different in Jesus’ day. This prayer format is an example HE gave when people asked Him for help in how to pray.

Examine your prayers YET AGAIN.(Getting sick of the self examination yet? Too bad! A few more lessons to go still). Think on how your prayer life may be growing. Are you finding your prayers have changed, that you are able to expand on a simple prayer or prayer format? Or are you still clinging to the samples? Pray and ask God to help you become a prayer warrior, relying on Him, not examples of prayer.

Prayer Series Index | Prayer Lesson 13

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