Prayer Lesson 13: Praying the Psalms or Scriptures

The church has used the Psalms as prayers fo a long time. There are many ways to pray through the Psalms. These are a few ideas.

  • David the Psalms into 50 equal parts and pray three a day (one for morning, one for noon, and one for evening)
  • A Psalm a day (Psalm 119 can be broken into 22 parts, which would take about 5 months)
  • A Psalm each Sunday

When praying a Psalm read it and reflect. Reread it. Think on the words. Let the words become your own. Pray the Psalm from your heart. Try reading it in other interpretations/translations to see it in another way.

Praying the Scriptures is done in the same way. Read the passage. Reflect on what is being said, then read it again, from your heart to the Lord.

Study Guide:

  1. Can you use the Scriptures as a guide for prayer?
  2. Can you read one at a time or do you have to do more than one at a time?

Think About It (Two parts)

Do you use Scripture when you pray? It is a great way to keep yourself in the Word. You are seeing the Scriptures, praying them, reflecting… and you begin to make them more personalized. They begin to speak to you, and you can pray them from your heart then. Try it out and see how it works. Let us know how it went.

Will you continue using Scripture as your prayer guidelines?

Prayer Series Index | Prayer Lesson 14

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