Prayer Lesson 14: Warfare Prayer

We must realize that in praying for the salvation of others is a battle cry in a sense. We are taking souls away from satan and he isn’t happy about it. He will fight back.

Prepare for the battle
We must be prepared. Pray for strength. Let go of your own sins first. Conquering our own sins and focusing on Christ will help strengthen us.

We have been equipped with the weapons. Warfare requires discipline, discretion, determination, and discernment. God is our commander. Submit to His authority.

  •  The authority of the Name of Jesus – His Name has been given authority. Pray in His Name when you pray for the lost.
  • The authority of the Blood of Jesus – We can overcome by the blood (Rev. 12:11)
  • The authority of our testimony – Bring God’s Word in when praying. Show how awesome He is through what He has done in YOUR life.

Study Guide:

  1. Can you go into battle unarmed?
  2. What 3 things can we pray by under His authority?

Think About It

Have you been battling unprepared? Look into your heart for any unconfessed sins. Give them to Him and arm yourself through knowing Him more.

Prayer Series Index | Prayer Lesson 15

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