Prayer Lesson 4: The Alphabet Prayer

The following prayer format can be used by individuals or in groups. Once again, the examples are given for small groups, but CAN be adapted to the individual’s prayers.

Praying Through the Alphabet
The leader gives the first letter. People then randomly share as they feel led. They can pray names or attributes of God (Almighty, Abba, etc. or awesome) or they can pray sentences (God, I thank You for being an awesome God). The leader listens to when the group is done (listen for silence, but be sure to give everyone time to pray as they feel led) and then gives the next letter.

This format can be used all in one setting, which can be VERY long, or you can focus on a few at a time. You can focus on a different letter each session, or a few letters. The key is to be genuine, praying from the heart.

Praying Around the Circle
The first person prays through A (same procedure as above), the next person prays through B, the next C, and so on. Letters are not the focus, so if you wish to omit letters such as Q or X, then feel free. It does not make the format or prayers any less valid.

Adapting either of these to individual prayers can be done, though as you look at the examples you may wonder how. Just use the alphabet as a guide. Begin praying using the alphabet to help you. If you need to stop to use a dictionary or your Bible feel free. Why not record the names and attributes or phrases you came up with in your journal? Then you have them written down to use later.

Study Questions:

  1. Can this prayer format be used for the individual?
  2. Do you have to pray through the entire alphabet in one setting?

Think About It

Do your prayers tend to focus ONLY on requests? Do you pray prayers such as this, that place the focus on God and who He is? Ask God to help you to learn to show your love and adoration for Him through your prayers.


Prayer Series Index | Prayer Lesson 5

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