Prayer Lesson 6: Contemplative Prayer

The following is not a prayer format. It is a description of one means of praying. It is designed for individuals only. It is coming into God’s presence, without interuption, with few or no words. It is being deeply aware of His presence.

  • Retreat – Find aplace free of distraction, a place you can give God your undivided attention. Take your Bible, your journal, and a pen. Set aside about an hour to spend with God. Most people set a routine schedule of retreating two to three times a week into the Presence of God.
  • Pray – Center in on prayer. Set aside the outside distractions and the inner thoughts. This is difficult at first. The devil does not want us in the Presence of God and will desperately try to distract us. Give these distractions to God and focus in on only Him.
  • Journal – If you feel led, note your thoughts, write out your prayers. Make notes that help you to focus on God, to keep your mind on what you are doing, and to bring you closer to Him. Try reading through the past entries you made to focus in on Him, and then write out what comes to mind.

The purpose of this prayer lesson is to teach us to set aside all of the distractions of our world and to bring ourselves to God’s throne. We can approach Him at any time, in any place, but many times we find ourselves distracted by the dog barking, kids screaming or playing loudly, the thoughts in the back of our mind about how we need to do homework or chores….

Let go of them. They will be there. Trust me the world will not collapse while you spend some time alone with God. Send kids to the store, to a freind’s house for an hour, get up earlier in the morning to spend some time with God… Find time to spend with Him, one on one. You will be blessed, trust me.

Study Questions:

  1. Why do we use contemplative prayer? What is the purpose of finding a place alone? What are we seeking to do?
  2. Can you leave the radio on or the television? Can you spend your time in the same room kids are playing in? What is the purpose of finding a quiet place?
  3. Would this prayer work with a small group?

Think About It
When do you pray? Do you set aside a specific time to come into the Presence of God? Do you set aside the distractions of life and put God as your focus? Pray for God to help you to set aside the world, the flesh , and all distractions so that He can be your sole focus.

Prayer Series Index | Prayer Lesson 7

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