Prayer Lesson 9: Fasting and Praying

Have you ever fasted? have you ever considered fasting? Have you ever wondered what it was? This lesson is a bit lengthy, but will cover fasting and prayer.

In Matthew 6:16-18 Jesus uses the phrase “When you fast.” Not IF, but WHEN. The word fasting literally means “to cover the mouth.” Through fasting we are covering access to our inner being. Many people use fasting for more than just food or drink.

American Christians tend to neglect this area of our lives. It is nearly non-existent among most church’s members.

The concept of fasting is simple. When we desire something we instead turn to God, letting HIM be the focus.

Examples of fasting in the Bible:

  • Exodus 34:28 Moses fasted, heard from God, and then wrote the Ten Commandments
  • 1 Kings 19:8 Elijah fasted because of the urgency of the moment
  • 2 Chronicles 20 King Jehosophat called the nation to fast
  • Ezra 8:21-23 Ezra called the returning Jews to fast and pray for their return from exile to Jerusalem
  • Ezra 10:6 Ezra prayed and fasted
  • Esther 4 – Queen Esther asked all Jews in Susa to fast for 3 days while she sought favor from Xerxes to save her people
  • Isaiah 58:7 Fasting is enjoined in order “share your food”
  • Isaiah 58:6 Fasting is used to “losse the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke”
  • Isaiah 58:8 The prophet promised “quick healing” following fasting.
  • Isaiah 58:9 Isaiah says, “Then (after fasting) you will call, and the Lord will answer”
  • Daniel 10:3 Daniel fasted and prayed because he needed God to intervene
  • Matthew 6:16-18 The intention of fasting is not the praise of man, but the Presence of God.
  • Luke 4:1-2 Jesus fasted for focus at the start of his mission
  • Acts 9:9 Paul fasted when he realized how wrong he had been.
  • Acts 13:2-3, Acts 14:23 The early church leaders fasted and prayed when electing and commissioning leaders.
  • Romans 13:14, Galatians 5:16, Colossians 3:5 Fasting is used to deny the power of the flesh and to invite the Spirit to come in

Types of Fasts

  1. The common fast (the normal or typical fast): Total abstinence from food. Be sure to drink at least 12 cups o fwater a day during this fast.
  2. The Absolute Fast (the complete or total fast): involves abstinence from both food AND water.
  3. Partial Fast (selective): Involves restricting certain things, such as tv, computers, sex, etc.

Lengths of Fasts
Some fasts are established to help the person grow spiritually. They are set regularly (for example, one day a week). The length of the fast is determined by the type of fast (ex: water is needed to sustain life, the body cannot go more than seven days without it)

Guideline For Fasting

  1. Decide on your purpose
  2. Decide on the type and duration
  3. Decide if you are going to fast alone or invite others to join you.
  4. *Prepare spiritually (repentance, ask God to bless your fast, ask Him to reveal what you should be doing during your fast, etc.)
    *Prepare physically (get plenty of sleep, reduce addictive things before your fast (such as caffeine)
  5. Particpate – Adopt a schedule of worship, prayer, rest, and liquieds (unles you are doing the absolute fast). Keep the focus ON GOD. Use the time normally spent in the activity (such as eating) to spend in prayer.
  6. End the fast gradually (don’t go to an all you can buffet to end your fast, slowly increase foods again)
  7. Wait on the Lord. He will answer.

Study Questions:

  1. Does the Bible speak of fasting?
  2. What are the types of fasts?
  3. Is there a set length of time to fast?
  4. Can you fast with others or do you have to fast alone?

Think About It

Do you fast? Why or why not? Would you be willing to spend some time fasting? Ask God what His will is for fasting in your life. He will let you know.

Prayer Series Index | Prayer Lesson 10

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