Do you want to learn more about prayer? Do you feel you need to do something to improve your prayer life but aren’t sure what to do?

The prayer team of Teens4Jesus developed a series of studies dedicated to helping people like you learn more about prayer. The series was offered through two online interactive formats no longer available. It is now archived here for your learning.

Series Overview and Index:

Lesson 1 — Introduction
Learn what prayer is in this short study.

Lesson 2 – Prayer in the Bible
Read various passages showing you prayer in the Bible.

Lesson 3 – ACTS
The first in the series of prayer formats you can use in your personal prayer life.

Lesson 4 – The Alphabet Prayer
Another format that teaches you how to use the alphabet in praying.

Lesson 5- AWCIPA
A prayer format submitted to a magazine and reproduced here for your growth.

Lesson 6 – Contemplative Prayer
Straying off the path of prayer formats, learn about what contemplative prayer is.

Lesson 7 – The Jesus Prayer
A simple prayer that is very powerful.

Lesson 8 – Evangelistic Prayer
A longer study that explores evangelism through prayer.

Lesson 9 – Fasting and Prayer
Basic information to help you to fast with the focus on prayer.

Lesson 10 – Listening
Listening is prayer? Learn how to listen to God.

Lesson 11 – Framed Prayers and P.R.A.Y.
Returning to prayer formats, this lesson again helps with how to pray.

Lesson 12 – The Prayer Jesus Taught
Commonly known as the Lord’s Prayer or the Model Prayer, read about the prayer in Matthew 6.

Lesson 13 – Praying the Psalms/Scriptures
Using the Word of God to help our prayers.

Lesson 14 – Warfare Prayer
Read about spritual warfare and combatting it through prayer.

Lesson 15 – Praying Through the Week
A format teaching you how to pray throughout the week.

Lesson 16- Developing a Personal Prayer Life
Suggestions for how to improve your prayer life.

Lesson 17 – Prayer Lists
Learn a method for praying for others.

This series may seem long and detailed, but it is barely scratching the surface. Through the 17 lessons we have explored the various methods you could use to improve your prayer life, have discussed ways to do so, examined styles, and applied what we have learned. It is our hope that you have taken something from this series and have grown. Please share with us what YOU are doing and how you are growing. Consider joining our prayer team and interceding for others. Check out the rest of our prayer section to learn more about prayer!